In 2009, the Tequila Technician Training Diploma was launched in collaboration with the UAG. To date, 833 men and women have graduated from this program.
The Autonomous University of Guadalajara awarded recognition to the TRC for its dedication and effort to professionalize the tequila agroindustry.
Zapopan, Jalisco, June 24, 2024.- Promoting the professionalization of the tequila agroindustry is one of the objectives of the Tequila Regulatory Council A.C. (TRC), for 30 years, has been hand in hand with Universities that have coordinated Diplomas, Master’s Degrees, Seminars, among other training courses. Last weekend, 96 people graduated from the Tequila Technician Training Diploma, which is taught in coordination with the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG).
“I believe that the tequila agroindustry boasts great human capital, enriched today by the support of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara. This program has been a resounding success, bringing valuable experience from industry professionals into the classroom. Almost all our instructors actively participate in the daily operations of the industry, either within companies or with the CRT. Tequila is Mexico, and Mexico is Tequila. Today, a part of that legacy rests in their hands, as they are now true tequila professionals,” said Francisco Javier González García, First Vice President of the Tequila Regulatory Council, representing President Miguel Ángel Domínguez Morales.
At the closing ceremony for the seventeenth generation of the Tequila Technician Training Diploma, the UAG presented the CRT with an award in recognition of its dedication and efforts to professionalize the tequila agroindustry.
“The Autonomous University of Guadalajara congratulates the Tequila Regulatory Council on its 30th Anniversary, in its mission to safeguard quality systems, compliance with regulations, as well as the authenticity of our national drink, Tequila,” said Alfonso Petersen Farah, Vice Chancellor. Academic and Health Sciences, representing the Rector of the UAG, Antonio Leaño Reyes.
In 2009, with the firm purpose of raising the standards of the tequila agroindustry, the Tequila Regulatory Council, in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Guadalajara , launched the Tequila Technician Training Diploma. To date, 833 individuals have graduated from this program, which has fostered the economic development of the sector and solidified a strong alliance between the two institutions. Both institutions are committed to academic excellence and upholding the prestige of Mexico’s national drink: Tequila.